BHEL - The COVID Warrior


COVID has brought this huge country to a standstill. Fear, Sadness, and Uncertainty are widespread. Lives are being lost and in my entire life, I have never seen this country engulfed by emotions like this before!

However, I would like to focus on the future and continue to believe that we will overcome this too. I am reminded of a quote from Hunger Games: " HOPE it is the only thing stronger than FEAR". This country needs to believe that this too shall pass.

Amidst all this, we have realized the importance of saving lives and we now know why the profession of Doctors is considered the noblest on earth. This country will be eternally grateful for the services that our doctors have been giving - tirelessly & without any break.

There are some other warriors too in this COVID. And I would like to share about the gallant efforts of this Indian PSU, which has saved countless lives already. BHEL - India's largest power equipment maker. It has risen to the occasion and would be safe to say that all its 35,000 employees are COVID Warriors in its truest sense.

Seeing the need of the hour, it converted its Industrial oxygen plant into medical oxygen plant recently. There are lots of stories from across the county of how this company is their only savior. When SANGA REDDY District ( in Telangana state) hospitals ran out of oxygen, BHEL came to the rescue. In the BHOPAL Unit of BHEL, where employees are working overtime to cater to the need to the hour, long queues can be seen outside the gates, people waiting to fill in their empty cylinders. The HARIDWAR unit has already upgraded its infrastructure to supply 2200 cylinders/ day from its earlier capacity of 700. In GHAZIABAD, when hospitals were running short of oxygen last week, the Uttarakhand unit of BHEL came to the rescue.. I am not sure many people know also about the efforts that BHEL is taking to meet the rising demand of this nation. But BHEL to me is giving HOPE in its own way and is inspiring many private corporations to take up similar tasks ahead.

BHEL has been a loss-making company for the last few years, but honestly what it has done in the last few weeks is unimaginable and way beyond just Profits. So THANK YOU BHEL from the nation. I continue to be a proud stockholder of this company.

P.S: My Father-In-Law retired from BHEL as a GM, many years ago. It was during a conversation with him, I understood what BHEL does and I invested in this MAHARATNA company in 2017.


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